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Group of ESNers meeting with a family in an apartment room.
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Causes covered by this activity
Objective / Goal of the activity

This is the photo of a very beginning. Inspired by the motto #ESNmakesafamily, we’ve started this long-term project of which we have been dreaming for months. After a long period of looking for a family, we finally have found one! But what is the purpose of this project?
We provide support to kids’ education life and social development, and improve their skills towards their hobbies. Therefore, we are not only providing monthly education scholarship to those 3 siblings (Berra, Sahra and Berat), but also getting them involved more in life in every aspect. Our own members are going to provide free English and Maths courses to Berat and Berra as they requested, and help Sahra to improve her art skills. Moreover, for the next 7 months, you’ll be seeing us so many more times together having fun, celebrating their birthdays, studying, watching a movie, or just travelling around. The mother of our family Sunay also will be joining our social activities. Simply, we provide them social and material support. If ESN makes a family, why don’t you?


Our first idea was to provide monthly scholarship to a primary school student. But when we've found our ESN family, we've changed our minds and decided to enwiden the project. Those 3 siblings lost their father since he suicided in the prison. Therefore, providing scholarship was not enough to encourage them in many aspects. We aim to get them involved in social activities and make sure they efficiently continue their education. They are our family now and we will do our best to help them in every possible way.

Result of the activity

Kids are provided monthly education scholarship and given free Maths and English courses in private at home. They are encouraged to improve their art and sport skills. We provide materials and support to help them do their hobbies. We are going to be a family at least for one year and stand together.They are not alone.

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