
Get a chance to spend a chill evening with your friends where students get an opportunity to show their musical talents 🎶.
We contacted a bar that arranges Open Mic Nights every week. So they had the necessary equipment available. Guitars 🎸 (acoustic, electric, bass), drums 🥁, keyboard 🎹 and microphones 🎤 were provided by the venue and people were encouraged to bring their own instruments. At the spot those who were interested to perform had to write their names on a sheet. The host for the event was a guy who regularly performs at the bar and he would call the people by the order of the names on the sheet. Also, if someone was interested, they could form bands on the spot and perform in groups if they wanted.
The host is a very talented guitarist and singer himself. He started the evening with a few songs of his own and encouraged people to put forward their names in between the songs. Afterwards he started inviting people one by one on the stage (or in groups if they wished to perform in one). The students did their best to show off their musical skill. Some were really good singers. Some were guitarists while others were drummers. We managed to get some local students as well who wrote their own songs and sang on the stage. People could get snacks 🍟 and drinks from the bar and so overall it was a very good evening. We repeated this event twice more during the semester.