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School Esn Cagliari
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Causes covered by this activity
Goal of the Activity

To teach and help newbies and members how to organize events and help international student, as well how to resolve difficult situation


After sharing and building the agenda with two of the historic members of ESN Cagliari and ESN italy (Locci Manuela and Farci Gabriele) we started the two days school that aimed to explain how the activities within the local and national network work and how the members can be a part of the organizating team. The local Board put better attention on the policy to have in high stress level situation: who to contact when in danger and basically everything you need to know to help the international students. We made different round of discussion, with question and answers.

Here's the program of the 2 days:

9.00 Registrazione
9.30 Inizio lavori
Presentazione relatori e programma
Perché ESN
Che ci fate qui? 
Chi è un Erasmus
11. 00 coffee break
11.15 ripresa
Parlare le lingue

12.45 stop attività
13.30 a tavola.
15. 00 ripresa attività 

i tre livelli di ESN

16. 30 break
16 45 si ricomincia
ESN locale:cosa serve? 
Organizzare un'attività 
 fine attività 
24:00 tutti a casa

Giorno 2
9.00 incontro
9.30 inizio attività 
Problem solving
11:00 coffee break
11:15 ripresa 
Cause di ESN ed Eventi
Cosa posso fare per ESN e cosa ESN può fare per me
13:30 Pranzo organizzato dalla sezione
15:00 ripresa attività
Partner e istituzioni
18:00 Saluti finali

Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 8
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Entrepreneurship & Career Development
Recognition of Skills
This activity was organised by: