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Volunteering promoting the Erasmus+ program
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Causes covered by this activity
Objective / Goal of the activity

The event had the following purposes:
1. Promoting long-term Erasmus mobility among students in Bulgaria
2. Raise the awareness about the benefits an exchange opportunity brings


Erasmus Student Network Bulgaria organized the Erasmus+ - The Journey of Your Life seminar, geared towards informing the wider audience on the possibilities that the participation in the Erasmus+ programme provides. The event was organized as part of the #Erasmusdays campaign of the European commission happening on the 10th of October 2019. During the event a string of interesting and inspiring stories were presented by volunteers, who shared their invaluable experience and unforgettable memories that they have accumulated during their international mobilities, in which they were able study, experience, exchange and practice abroad. Further proof 22 that the mobility can be viewed as a way of life, were also the stories of the international guests, like International couple from Italy and Poland, who after numerous trips abroad as Erasmus+ students, finally gathered and created their future together in Sofia. The event was further supported by the European Commission representation office in Bulgaria with a presentation on Erasmus+ as a EU priority, emphasizing the positive impact of the programme on multitude of aspects, such as the increase of the civic activity of the young people and the development of a European self-awareness, and sharing of common values.

Result of the activity

The main value of the campaign was mainly on the target groups. Including that it empowered both universities and local sections to organize local Erasmus days that were also shared in the network. We gained a lot of visibility in the social media networks along in front of stakeholders and media.

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