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Volunteering promoting the Erasmus+ program
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České Budějovice
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Goal of the Activity

To show the possibilities of Erasmus for the citizens of České Budějovice


Studying at university is an opportunity for students to discover new places and gain new experiences on their educational journey.
The opportunity for students to fulfill these wishes is provided by the Erasmus program, which aims to help students go beyond the borders of their home university.
There is no better way to remember and celebrate this program than with a three-day festival bearing the name of this program.
◆The festival starts with Flag parade, during which flag bearers accompanied by students will walk through the city center.
◆For czech students of South Bohemia University, who are interested in Eramus program, is prepared a discussion with students of the University of South Bohemia who have returned from their stay at a foreign university is also prepared for domestic students, during which they will talk about their experience from their stay.

Studium vysoké školy je pro studenty příležitostí objevovat nová místa a získávat nové zkušenosti na své cestě za vzděláním.
Příležitost studentům splnit si i tato přání poskytuje program Erasmus+, jehož cílem je pomoci studentům vyjet za hranice jejich domovské univerzity.
Není tak lepší způsob, jak si tento program připomenout a oslavit, než třídenním festivalem nesoucím název tohoto programu.

◆Festival začíná Vlajkovým průvodem, při kterém vlajkonoši v doprovodu studentů projdou centrem města.
◆Pro zájemce o program Eramus je pro tuzemské studenty připravena i beseda se studenty Jihočeské univerzity, kteří se vrátili z pobytu na zahraniční univerzitě, při které budou hovořit o svých zkušenostech z pobytu . 

Logo of the SDG Goal 17
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Foster Europe and European Citizenship
This activity was organised by: