
The main objective of this event was to promote international volunteering on excahnge, emphasizing the importance of actively contributing to voluntary efforts on a global scale.
This conference was organized during the welcome day (second semester) for international students at the University of Parma. The event provided an opportunity to present the services and opportunities specifically designed for students on exchange in Parma with international mobility projects. During the institutional greetings, Maria Cecilia Mancini, Pro Vice-Chancellor for International Relations and Mobility, encouraged students to fully experience their time, shaping their future through their own will. Subsequently, Chiara Vernizzi, Councilor for Urban Regeneration for the Municipality of Parma, outlined the strengths of the city and its close synergies with the University. Then, Ilaria Zanotti, Delegate of the Rector for the Erasmus+ Program and Mobility, provided information on key contacts, highlighting the positive trend regarding both the number of students on exchange and the number of countries involved. A musical interlude at the Welcome Day was presented by the Arrigo Boito Conservatory, participating in the Erasmus+ program, with a cello quartet composed of Arianna Lo Vetere, Arianna Turrà, Zhou Yining, and Eleonora Mascia. CUS Parma addressed sports, available sports facilities, and courses, responding to one of the most felt needs of exchange students. Marco Comotti, National Representative of ESN Italia, representing the Erasmus Student Network – ESN-ASSI Parma, focused his intervention on the personal growth path linked to the Erasmus experience. ESN ASSI PARMA team described the numerous initiatives planned by the association for all University guests, emphasizing the importance of volunteering in mobility to improve intercultural relations and better understand other cultures. https://www.emiliaromagnanews24.it/welcome-day-luniversita-di-parma-ha-…

This activity is part of the project:
Erasmus Generation in Action (EGiA)