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Several people posing with a flag and several hand-made crafts and toys
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Causes covered by this activity
Type of activity
Objective / Goal of the activity

Teaching people about reusing products and waste from their homes and having fun in doing so with several games.


In this activity, we created several games by using recycled materials, during about 4 hours we had an origami workshop in which we used used paper to create paper frogs (and even had a frog race!), then we used other recycled materials to do some other games (such as tennis) and used a string and two yogurt cups to create string-telephones and send messages over long distances, at the end, we made a few Christmas trees with bottle corks and plastic caps so the students could keep them as Christmas souvenirs.

Result of the activity

We learned a bit about recycling and we raised awareness about giving a second life to our daily trash, besides, we had a great fun playing this games, and doing arts and crafts.

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