
The main goal of this activity is to show awareness of how many dogs(and other animals) are left on the streets. We wanted to present no-kill animal shelter from Split to all our animal lovers ( students) and how can they help .
Since a lot of Erasmus students have pets at home and they probably miss them a lot this was a great opportunity for them to forget about it a little. On November 24 in a partnership with NO KILL ANIMAL SHELTER from Split we organized Dog Walk in a park and in the town. They brought around 15 beautiful abandoned ( who are now taken care of ) dogs and everyone who came got one. After meeting them we started our little tour. We were playing with them, gave them food, took pictures and showed them a little bit of love. After almost 3 hours it was time to say goodbye.
We all were so happy and fulfilled with love. Those puppies got under our skin and even our Erasmus student decided to adopt one. We have decided that we should do more activities like that and we will organize one like this again.