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Dinner in the Dark
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Causes covered by this activity
Type of activity
Objective / Goal of the activity

Experiencing life of blind people to become more sensibe towards them.


Sometimes we take things for granted. Sight is our busiest sense which we use 100% of the day and we usually don't pay that much attention to that, even less to our other senses. Well, Dinner in the Dark is meant just for that. We wanted students to imagine what it would be like to live as a blind person for one night....or dinner? We started off by preparing some food for one another. It could be national food, family recipe or just about any food you want.  In the Student Club, the table was prepared for specialties. Students tasted the food while blindfolded. They came to realization how much sense of taste is important to us, while having fun tasting random delicious meals.

Result of the activity

Students became more sensibile towards blind people while sharing food with one another.

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