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Novi Sad
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Causes covered by this activity
Objective / Goal of the activity

To clean Danube's coast and to raise awareness of human's impact on the environment. 


We are coming to you with another cruise, but this time with a special cause.
ESN in partnership with EU Info Centar is organizing Trash Danube Cruise, to celebrate Erasmus Days and raise awareness among young people of protecting our environment.
We all need a little reminder sometimes of how giving our planet is to us and what we can do to protect it.

This Saturday, we are going to clean the area around the Danube so let’s spend this sunny day doing something great for the environment while also having fun and enjoying the magical view of Danube.

What should you bring?
- Warm and comfortable clothes
- Waterproof shoes
- Something to drink
- Blanket if you want to be extra cosy

Of course, nothing is complete without great food, so expect some serious barbecuing!

Invite your friends and let’s clean our environment together!

Evo nas sa još jednim krstarenjem, ali ovog puta posebnim povodom.
ESN u saradnji sa EU Info Centrom organizuje Trash Danube Cruise, povodom Erazmus dana, u cilju podizanja svesti među mladima o zaštiti životne sredine.

Svima nam je ponekad potreban podsetnik o tome koliko nam naša planeta pruža i šta možemo da učinimo da je zaštitimo. Ove subote čistićemo predeo oko Dunava, pa hajde da zajedno provedemo ovaj sunčan dan radeći nešto divno za našu životnu sredinu uz čaroban pogled na Dunav i, kao i uvek, mnogo zabave.

Šta ti treba da poneseš?
- Toplu i udobnu odeću
- Vodootpornu obuću
- Nešto za piće
- Ćebence, ako želis dodatno da se ugreješ

Naravno, ništa bez dobre hrane, pa se pripremite za ozbiljno roštiljanje!

Pozovi svoje prijatelje i pomozi nam da očistimo našu okolinu.


Result of the activity

Amazing feedback.

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