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Kids doing an activity in a school
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Causes covered by this activity
Objective / Goal of the activity

CAREoke is an activity with the aim of collecting donations and items that APPACDM, an institution that provides care and support for people with mental disabilities by helping them achieve their own independence through their inclusion in society, is in need of. International students are invited to participate in a karaoke session by donating something to this institution.


International Students brought long-lasting food items (such as canned food, pasta, rice, cereal) which were delivered to ESN Coimbra's members, who collected everything donated to later deliver to APPACDM. Then, participants were invited to sign up to sing their favourite songs along with their friends. It was a fun-filled evening for a good cause.

Result of the activity

After CAREoke, a surprising amount of food items were donated to APPACDM, an institution that provides care and support for people with mental disabilities by helping them achieve their own independence through their inclusion in society.

This activity was organised by: