
The main objective of this event was to raise awareness about the issues that people with visual impairments might face in their daily lives as well as adapt it to the reality of mobility students with disabilities and their struggles.
By doing the Blind Dinner activity we can better raise awareness about the daily struggles of people with certain disabilities. We brought together a group of students in a local restaurant that they are already familiar with, but we blindfolded them as well as displacing them randomly on tables. They then had dinner following the tips of our ESNers, accompanied by a debriefing session in the end.
In doing this activity the result was an added sensitivity towards these issues, with a reflection from both the mobility students and ESNers.
We decided to give continuity to this social experience, but we will try to make it even more inclusive in the future, with the help from the Entrepeneurship Office in our University from which we will request help in the next edition, in order to have a specialist or an blind person also guiding the experience making it even more enriching.