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Welcome to the ultimate International Beer Pong Tournament! International students from all over the world have come to Tampere and now it is time to find out who are the Beer Pong Champions! 🏓 🎉 CLINT and ESN FINT join forces to organise this event.


Welcome to the ultimate International Beer Pong Tournament! International students from all over the world have come to Tampere and now it is time to find out who are the Beer Pong Champions! 🏓 🎉 CLINT and ESN FINT join forces to organise this event. Get ready for an epic showdown of skill and competition as you battle it out against your fellow students.💃

One team has four members, and the sign up is done by only one of the team members! The team ticket is 20€ and it includes beers to play with for all of the team and a unique patch for each team member. If you do not wish to play but want to join the party, you can buy a spectator ticket for only 2€ which also includes a patch of the event! 🥳💃

As you progress through the tournament, you'll have a chance to win an amazing top prize, and bragging rights to the title of ultimate Beer Pong Champion 2023! And even if you don't make it to the top, you'll still have an amazing night with us!

So, grab your tutors or new and old friends, dust off your beer pong skills, and get ready for an exciting competition! Don't miss out on this epic event – secure your spot now as tickets sell fast! Cheers to a night of fierce competition and endless fun! 🎉🍻

WHAT: Beer Pong Tournament
WHEN: 01.09.2023, doors open 17:00, games start 17:30
WHERE: Bommari
FOR WHOM: Everyone!

Noise: Possible extremely loud music and shouting
Crowds: More than 25 people are expected
Accessibility: Accessible terrain for everyone
Alcohol: Alcohol is served but alcohol-free options are available

This event is harrasment free - if you face any inappropriate behavior, you can contact [email protected] to get help confidentially.

ESN FINTin järjestämät tapahtumat ovat avoimia kaikille kansainvälismielisille opiskelijoille, mukaan lukien suomalaiset tutkinto-opiskelijat! Tulkaa rohkeasti vaan mukaan tapahtumiimme nauttimaan kansainvälisestä ilmapiiristä 😊. Tiedoksi vielä että näissä tapahtumissa ensisijainen käyttökieli on englanti, mutta usein vaihtarit haluavat myös kovasti harjoitella suomen kielen käyttämistä.

Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 8
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Recognition of Skills
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