
Bringing the history, architecture and landscape architecture of Cracow closer to Erasmus students.
The event was based on a map with marked characteristic points, where participants were given the most important and interesting information about the history and style of the place or buildings. Walking through the city streets we had the opportunity to show students local design, intriguing buildings facades, as well as their interiors. It was created for those who would like to hear the curiosities of the city, learn how it was created, by whom it was designed and built over the years.
A large part of the visitors who chose the Cracow University of Technology are, however, students of architecture and urban planning, it has become an additional motivator to create such an event. We wanted to give something from ourselves according to ESN phrase "Students helping students" - without requiring anything in return, and using the knowledge that we have acquired during our studies. For two hours we became the most accessible guides for the student's pocket, because completely free. We wanted to take the students outside and show them our beautiful city.
The project was warmly received, which was confirmed by the positive opinions expressed in the form. We hope to repeat this event and create a project of cyclical meetings on such topics, which will allow us to broaden foreigners knowledge about our city.