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AperiCanva: Discover your potential with Canva
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Goal of the Activity

Explain the basics of the software “ Canva”, the main commands for create a graphic and how should be  used in a ESN environment. (VIM) 


The Apericanva was organized in bar partner in the centre of Florence, the partnership included food, drinks and a private room where we were able to project some slides.

The lesson was given by two of our volunteers, experts in using Canva, who prepared some slides for showing step by step the main functions of the software. 

The second part of the masterclass  was an introduction of the VIM and its rules through a quiz about right and wrong ways to make an Esn graphic.

In the last part was given a different topic to every participants on which to base a graphic. This was a moment for put into pratice the teory of the masterclass with the help of the more experts volunteers around.

After was project every graphic made and explained the main mistakes and some recommendatios. 

At the end of the activity were rewarded the best graphics made with also the opportunity for anyone who wanted to become part of the ESNflorentia graphics group.


Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 8
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Entrepreneurship & Career Development
Recognition of Skills
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