Culture Stammtisch 04/04/2022 Konstanz , DE Meet international students, make friends and enjoy some ESN Konstanz
Culture ISN: Nostalgia night by Activity Committee 04/04/2022 Wageningen , NL To return to games from our childhood, board games and enjoy ESN Wageningen
Culture Culture week 04/04/2022 - 10/04/2022 Rovaniemi , FI Support social integration and celebrating cultural ESN Lapland
Culture Get Together 04/04/2022 Hamburg , DE The goal of the activity is for the students to have an ESN Hamburg
Health & Well-being Indoor Beach Volley 03/04/2022 Torino , IT Getting Erasmus people to know each other and play sports ESN Torino
Health & Well-being Alpacalypse 03/04/2022 Nowa Huta , PL A walk with alpacas and llamas has a positive influence on ESN Gdansk (Politechnika)
Social Inclusion Lunch @ PizzAut 03/04/2022 Milan , IT Raise awareness among the Erasmus community about autism ESN Milano-Bicocca
Culture Milan Skyscraper Tour 03/04/2022 Milan , IT The goal of the activity was to show erasmus students ESN Milano Statale
Culture Mauthausen Memorial with ESN 03/04/2022 Mauthausen , AT We want to show our Erasmus Students the Memorial of the KZ ESN Technikum Wien and 1 other organisation
Education & Youth House of Terror visit (2022 Spring) 03/04/2022 Budapest , HU Museum visit to learn about the darkest times of the 20th ESN BME
Environmental Sustainability Welcome Spring Picnic 03/04/2022 Venice , IT Spend a day in company and relaxation to welcome spring. The ESN Venezia
Culture Sunday at the Lighthouse 03/04/2022 Trieste , IT Discover the city by visiting Trieste's lighthouse and enjoy ESN Trieste
Culture City tour through a treasure hunt 03/04/2022 Camerino , IT To show the beauty of our city through a social activity and ESN AURE Camerino
Culture Tour Mammuth+MunDA 03/04/2022 L'aquila , IT The main goal of this Activity is to show one of the ESN L'Aquila