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Group of pictures showing different activities related to each of the causes


Students waiving multiple flags during an event

Trnava , SK

Get to know other part of Slovakia, meet other foreigners

ESN STUBA and 1 other organisation


Students waiving multiple flags during an event

Graz , AT

Join the big student party organised by students of the

ESN Uni Graz and 2 other organisations


Students waiving multiple flags during an event

Liège , BE

Unifestival is an activity organized every year by the

ESN ULiège and 1 other organisation

Skills & Employability

Students raising hands during a workshop

Budapest , HU

Come and join us on this week’s expedition in one of

ESN ELTE and 1 other organisation

Health & Well-being

The picture is the promoting post of Instagram. It says "American pong, location: Pionia Cocktail Bar, date: Wednesday 4th of October at 9.30 pm, fee of 10 euros with prizes for the first winners, dm us and Universirà to subscribe

Ravenna , IT

The goal of the American Pong is to have fun and know each

ESN Ravenna and 1 other organisation

Environmental Sustainability

Image of a compostable cup

Istanbul , TR

The phrase "Turkish dinner night" typically refers to an

ESN MU and 1 other organisation

Environmental Sustainability

Image of a compostable cup

Banská Bystrica , SK

The main goal of the activity was to focus on how Slovaks