
This activity provided an opportunity for SPEAK volunteers and students to meet each other in an informal setting, while also practicing their language skills.
During this event, which was organised by ESN Coimbra in partnership with SPEAK Coimbra, participants were paired up according to their common languages and sat in tables. Each pair would talk for 10 minutes in two different languages, and one of the speakers would have to be a native speaker of one of the languages, in order to provide support and guide the learner during the conversation. Pairs would then switch with other people in order to try and speak as many different languages as they wanted to. Pairs could talk freely about whatever they wanted, but the volunteers had a few questions already prepared in case conversation stalled.
After this event, participants showed a significant interest in continuing practicing their chosen languages, as they realised how beneficial it is to be able to talk and practice their language skills with native speakers.