
The goal of the activity was to prepare and inform the incoming members about ESN.
On the 24th of March 2020, a presentation was held by ESN Trnava section for new members. There were 17 potential members in total. They were students from both Trnava University and University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius.
The information meeting was led by the local president Rebeka Juhászová. A PowerPoint presentation was prepared about ESN organization - its establishment, functioning, individual sections and levels, main goals, activities of members, cooperation, importance of ESNcard and buddy system. After this presentation, the members had seen some pictures from past events.
The Erasmus coordinator for Trnava University, Ing. Eva Filipová also attended the meeting. She spoke about how Erasmus works at our universities and how much volunteering of students in this area means to her.
At the end of the meeting, the attendees signed the attendance list (name, year of study, faculty).
Section ESN Trnava has accepted new members.