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Fact-checking Workshop
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Objective / Goal of the activity

We organised a workshop about Fact-checking (that's a term for checking political claims and speeches) to raise awareness about researching and learning process of political facts&statistics.


We organised a workshop with Doğruluk Payı which is an association for political awareness and transparency in Turkey. We had theoretical lecture about how to reach the truth. Then a practice part that called researching workshop about checking political claims of politicians with researching the facts online through some reliable websites,statistics and indexes.

Result of the activity

We learned&improved a lot, they really enlightened us about believing politicians and institutions, how to analyze their sentences to get the real meaning. It was very nice to get one of the biggest fact-checking organisation to give some workshop to our ESNers and students to contribute our personal development and aware us about some facts that we don't see in our daily lives.

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