Skills & Employability "La grande incertezza: il mezzogiorno, la Basilicata, i giovani e le prospettive future nel rapporto Svimez 2024" 06/12/2024 Potenza , IT The main objective of the meeting was to raise awareness of ESN Sui-Generis Basilicata
Culture Christmas in ESN Sui-Generis Basilicata 04/12/2024 Potenza , IT The main objective of the “Christmas in ESN” initiative is ESN Sui-Generis Basilicata
Environmental Sustainability Oltre le note 28/11/2024 Potenza , IT The “Beyond the Notes - Music without Labels” initiative ESN Sui-Generis Basilicata
Education & Youth Recruitment 23/10/2024 Potenza , IT The main objective of the “Recruitment” activity was to ESN Sui-Generis Basilicata