Skills & Employability Induction Day 25/11/2021 Alba Iulia , RO To present ESN to for the newly recruited ESN volunteers ESN ALBA IULIA
Health & Well-being Volunteers Game Night 24/11/2021 Cluj-napoca , RO Boost the well-being of the volunteers through social ESN Cluj-Napoca
Culture Postcard Day 23/11/2021 Iasi , RO Send postcards in different other countries to our dearest ESN Iasi
Health & Well-being Running event 2.0 21/11/2021 Iasi , RO Encouraging youth to do some sport like running, exercises ESN Iasi
Culture Visit to the Antipa Museum 21/11/2021 Bucarest , RO Visit one of the Bucharest's most popular museum to ESN ASE-CMP Bucharest
Culture Castle and Deva Fortress Day Trip 20/11/2021 Hunedoara , RO Learn about Romania's history by visiting our national ESN ALBA IULIA
Culture Constanta Express 20/11/2021 Constanța , RO Showcase the beauty of the city Constanta, in a fun and ESN Constanta
Culture Visit to the National Museum of Art of Romania - MNaR 20/11/2021 Bucharest , RO Visit one of the Bucharest's most famous museum of art. ESN UniBucharest and 2 other organisations
Online Education & Youth Trivia Night 20/11/2021 Facebook / Zoom Have fun while learning less known things about different ESN Iasi