Environmental Sustainability Welcome Week: Berlin Thrift Shopping 18/04/2024 Berlin , DE 3R-Prinzip, City Tour, Making connections and friends ESN Berlin
Education & Youth ESN Stammtisch 18/04/2024 Bochum , DE The focus of these regulars' table rounds is often ESN Bochum and 1 other organisation
Culture Welcome Week: Language Café 17/04/2024 Berlin , DE Bring people together who would like to learn German, French ESN Berlin
Environmental Sustainability Historic & Geoscientific UHH Campus Tour 17/04/2024 Hamburg , DE show students historically relevant places and the museum of ESN Hamburg
Culture WoW - ESN goes Laboe 17/04/2024 Kiel , DE Showing the other side of the Kiel Fjord, the beach and ESN Kiel
Culture Welcome Week: Treasure Hunt 17/04/2024 Berlin , DE Making connections and friends, Education, City Tour ESN Berlin
Culture Stammtisch 16/04/2024 Darmstadt , DE connect peopleshow the Erasmi week by week a different pub ESN Darmstadt