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Students waiving multiple flags during an event
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The goal of creating a farewell for exchange students was to provide a meaningful and memorable conclusion to their study abroad experience. The farewell event aimed to recognize and celebrate the students' achievements, as well as their contributions to the local community. It provided an opportunity for students to reflect on their experiences, share their stories and memories, and say goodbye to the friends they have made during their time abroad. The event also served as a way to thank the students for their participation and contributions, and to encourage them to continue exploring and learning about different cultures even after they return home. 



The farewell for exchange students was held at 9pm in the DUWO building. The event was filled with bittersweet emotions as students gathered to say goodbye to the friends they had made during their study abroad experience. The atmosphere was warm and welcoming, with decorations and refreshments that reflected the international diversity of the group. Students shared stories and memories of their time in Haarlem, reflecting on the friendships they had formed and the experiences they had shared. The event provided a fitting conclusion to the students' time in Haarlem, leaving them with positive memories and a sense of accomplishment. Ultimately, the farewell was a testament to the impact of cross-cultural exchange and the lasting connections that can be made through study abroad experiences.

Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Social and Cultural Integration in Local Community
This activity was organised by: